Our champions
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Birth date: 16.04.2002
Tituls: Multichampion, Interchampion, Champion of Russia, Romania, Moldova, Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia, Bulgaria, the Balkans and Sofia; winner of Champion Class at "Eurasia 2004", 7 CACIB, 2xR.CACIB

Birth date: 25.11.2006
Tituls: Champion of Russia, Champion of Moldova, Champion of Macedonia, CACIB

Birth date: 28.11.2010
Tituls: Champion of Russia, Club Champion, Ch. Russia, Junior Champion of Russia, Ch. RKF, Ch.Lithuania, Ch.Ukraina, 3-CACIB, DM clear

Birth date: 25.10.2010
Interchempion, Champion of Russia, Ch. RKF, Champion of Belarus, 4 CACIB, 3 R-CACIB, Ch. Slovenia, Ch. Ukraine, Ch. Moldova, BOB "Russia 2012"

Birth date: 11.11.2006
Tituls: Champion of Russia, Macedonia, Moldova Junior Champion, Junior Russian Champion, Ch. RKF

Birth date: 12.02.2013
Tituls: Ch.Russia, Champion of Belarus, CACIB, 2Ch.RKF. DM clear

Birth date: 12.07.2011
Tituls: Junior Champion of Russia, Ch. Russia, BIG2, Club Champion, CACIB, BIG 1, BIS 2
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- WhatsApp: +7(903) 192-0-192
- Instagram: iz_bolshogo_doma
- bernerhouse@rambler.ru
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We are collecting funny histories about relations between bernese mountain dogs and chidlren. If you have something to tell us or you have some photos, email us at bernerhouse@rambler.ru, and we surely would publicate your history (and photos).